A Tool To Help Build Your Social Media Platform

Feel lost in the crowd of voices in the world? Michael Hyatt in his book, Platform - Get Noticed In A Noisy World, mentors the reader through the process of making your voice not only heard, but also matter.

Platform is really a step-by-step manual. Few stones are left unturned. Unlike many how-to books, it is an enjoyable read. The well-placed stories and rich language make it hard to put down. Everybody has something to sell whether it is an idea or a product. Michael focuses mainly on how to develop your voice through the Internet with the home base being your blog. He then branches from there and goes into detail on how to build subscriber lists, use various social media venues, especially Twitter, to build your audience (platform), and how to keep your audience once you have them.

Software engineers tend to get lost in their own world writing applications, me being included, and don't do well building their platform. However, there are exceptions. The most influential software engineering voices personally in my industry are Joel Spolsky and Jason Fried. Through our company, Sabramedia, we have been fortunate to have a strong word-of-mouth campaign giving voice to our service, but I feel we are missing opportunities relying only on this. When we started our company only one of my team members had a blog, which sent a lot of traffic. Now the majority of our team members have a blog, but all are poorly maintained. This is changing thanks to Platform.

As an entrepreneur I have had difficulty organizing my writing efforts. I have learned much over the years that would be beneficial to other up-and-coming software entrepreneurs. Michael Hyatt in Platform has given me a tool for creating a more affective communication plan.

Platform truly is a resource on best practices for communicating your brand successfully. It will be by my side for months to come as I build my platform.

Learn more about Michael Hyatt and how you can get his book, Platform.

Have you read Platform? What did you get from it?


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